Laugh and Learn Daycare

A place where your child can grow.

Halloween Series and Party 2012

Making Scarecrows

Making Vampires

Our Halloween Party
  Before the party we did a little "Practice Trick-Or-Treating". The kids did so great!  If you ask them, they all know how many times you should ring someone's doorbell, what to say when someone answers, how many pieces of candy you should take and what to say before you leave.  :)

In the car and ready to go!!!

 First stop, Grandma B's!

Here we are Trick or Treating at another daycare.  :)

Dacyn and her sweet friend, Aliyah.

We're home now and ready to party!

Jack and Dacyn did a very nice job setting up for the party.  (And, this is my proof that the dinning room was once clean. HA!)

Getting ready to play "Pin the Smile on the Skeleton!".



Pumpkin Carving with Dacyn and Jack

I love this one!!  :)


Pumpkin Carving with Griffin and Zade
I love the look on their faces in these first few photos. I set the opened up pumpkin in front of them and said "Go ahead. Dig in! Grab those seeds!".  They were looking at each other like "Dude, you go first!". haha  But soon after they were going to town!


Adding a "touch" of salt.

Stir, Stir.

Happy Faces. 

Silly Faces!!!

  And BAKE!!  :)


Griffin's Mask

Jack and Jackson's Spiders

Making Jar Pumpkins

The kids were all so proud of their Frankensteins!

The masks we made.  It instantly turned Jack and Jackson into Super Heroes for the day. Cracked me up!

Making Monsters

Decorating Pumpkins

Making Witches and Practicing Writing "W's"